Abimegender: A xenogender that is profound, deep and infinite.
Absentiagender: A xenogender that feels as if it's not always there.
Acadinostic: A nostic xenogender that is related to happiness and academia aesthetic.
Aciengender: A xenogender that feels like it came from a different time period.
ADHDgender: A neurogender where one feels that their gender is affected by their ADHD.
Aethergender: A xenogender that is wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful.
Agnostosgender: A xenogender where one's gender is related to being anonymous, unknown, faceless, or unidentifiable.
Aisthesisgender: A xenogender that is made of sensations.
Alierl: A xenogender where one is genderless because they feel connected to an alienated species.
Aliudic: A xenogender where one feels unhuman, other-worldly and angelic.
Alstrolia: A xenogender that is focused on one’s love towards their friends.
Amation: A xenogender that is related to the acts of giving and receiving love.
Amorinostic: A nostic xenogender that is related to warm, happy nostalgia and love.
Amphiterae: A xenogender that is small, mischievous and sneaky.
Anachronigender: A xenogender that feels as if it is not meant for this time period.
Anarchogender: A xenogender where one's political stance in anarchy affects their gender.
Androgynyc: An androgyne xenogender related to crystals, mysteries, brightness, and caves.
See Mascyc + Femcyc.
Angologygender: A xenogender where one feels a connection to angels and angel-like entities.
Anler: A xenogender where one is not on the binary nor agender, yet feels determined and certain about who they are.
Anxiegender: A neurogender that is affected by one's anxiety.
Apeirogender: A xenogender where one feels that their gender is so complex that it cannot be defined at all.
Aphenphosmphobian: A neurogender that is affected by one's fear of being touched.
Aporigender: A xenogender related to one’s depth and versatility of identity.
Applegender: A xenogender that is related to the sweetness, taste, and look of apples.
Aquarian: A xenogender that must be cared for and is visually beautiful and full of life.
Aquariangender: A zodiacgender that is related to or influenced by being an Aquarius.
Aquarigender: A xenogender that changes slowly and constantly between an infinite amount of genders.
Also known as Genderflow.
Arachnophobian: A neurogender that is affected by one's fear of spiders.
Arcanantiquafluid: A xenogender that is golden, ancient and shrouded in fog. It's fluid between it's masculine and feminine counterparts.
See Faemysterius and Savimysterius.
Arcaneagender: A xenogender related to the act of researching parts of one's identity that may feel “secretive”.
See Archaeogender and Arkhaigender.
Archaeogender: A xenogender related to the act of uncovering parts of one’s identity that may have been “buried”.
See Arcaneagender and Arkhaigender.
Ardoric: A xenogender where one's connection with it is strong, intense and passionate.
Aresgender: A xenogender that rages like war; it is fiery, bloody, unwavering and powerful.
Arkaric: A fictigender that is fluid between being comgender and being agender with other-worldly energies.
Arkhaigender: A xenogender where one feels they are going on a “grand quest” to search for parts of one’s identity.
See Arcaneagender and Archaeogender.